Stage fright

Stage fright

When our boss Henrik Borgmeyer said to his wife three years ago, ‘I’d like to play the guitar in my next life,’ he didn’t expect to be plucking the strings as early as this life. That’s because his wife promptly gave him a guitar and 10 hours of guitar lessons for...
We’re donating blood!

We’re donating blood!

How far would you really go? If we can get together donations of €100.00 in total, bioconstruct will organise an internal blood donation drive and put an additional €60.00 in the donation fund for ‘Wie weit würdest du gehen?!’ (How Far Would You Go?!) for each donor....
bioconstruct dances for children in need

bioconstruct dances for children in need

Our directors Matthias, Kai and Mehmet can be athletic when it’s time to get involved for children in need. Indeed, they’ve shown this previously when they went bull riding. Now they wish to take on the next hurdle and support the cheerleaders for the SF Lotte...

bioconstruct helps children in need

bioconstruct helps children in need bioconstruct helps terre des hommes. For the 50th year of its existence, the German Children’s Fund is calling on people to join in on a donation drive called ‘Wie weit würdest du gehen?!’ (How Far Would You Go?!). It is planning to...
Biogas plant Linne

Biogas plant Linne

We’re pleased to hear that Mr. Westrup, that’s how it should be! The special circumstance in Linne is the big amount of slurry that is digested. The slurry of approx. 500 cows is around 90% of the input. Apart from that manure, fodder rests, green rye and grass silage...