

Biogas plant Schuby

Place: Schuby Dal: 2004 Capacity: 2 x 500 kW; 2 x 549 kW; 2 x 904 kW
Installation of an innovative mixing technology for homogenising slurry and energy crops before feeding the fermenter (Quickmix®), 2016 upgrade from 1.000 kWel to 3.906 kWel

Dirk Schwarten

Dirk Schwarten

Schuby, 5 February 2018

Yes, I’ve known the bioconstruct workers for a long time now. Everything has always worked out very positively with them. The proposals were very well worked out, in terms of price, and technically as well. In 2004, it was for us here that bioconstruct built its very first Nawaro biogas plant anywhere. The implementation and commissioning ran perfectly and smoothly. Then in 2007 and 2016 the team from bioconstruct were here in the farmyard with me again, and did everything necessary to make sure that nothing stood in the way of the speedy commissioning of my plant expansions.

Keep it up!

Thank you Mr Schwarten, that’s what we like to hear!

And, of course, we’re delighted that our customers are still happy with us after such a long time.

In 2004 at the “Schuby” biogas plant, we installed for the first time an innovative mixing unit for the homogenisation of slurry and renewable raw materials before delivery to the fermenter. It was also our first system in Schleswig-Holstein, and at that time it ran at 500 kWel. Three years later we built a 500 kWel further system in Schuby, and in 2016 Mr Schwarten placed the order: even further expansion!

In the meantime we have installed a capacity of 4.406 kWel in Schuby, and the system is operating at optimum efficiency, thanks also to the diligence of the operator. It is extremely flexible and can react optimally to market conditions and to the requirements of the power grid operator. The farmhouse and the cowsheds are heated thanks to the biogas plant, with the feed of cattle slurry, maize silage, and sugar beets.

Dirk Schwarten

Dirk Schwarten

Schuby, 5 February 2018

Yes, I’ve known the bioconstruct workers for a long time now. Everything has always worked out very positively with them. The proposals were very well worked out, in terms of price, and technically as well. In 2004, it was for us here that bioconstruct built its very first Nawaro biogas plant anywhere. The implementation and commissioning ran perfectly and smoothly. Then in 2007 and 2016 the team from bioconstruct were here in the farmyard with me again, and did everything necessary to make sure that nothing stood in the way of the speedy commissioning of my plant expansions.

Keep it up!

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